

こんにちは!Sales Marker採用広報です。

株式会社Sales Markerでは、国籍を問わず多くのエンジニアが開発に携わっています。エンジニアチームの公用語は英語。グローバルな環境でコミュニケーションを交わしながら、日々新たなミッションに取り組んでいます。



Utkarsh Saxena|シニアソフトウェアエンジニア

インド工科大学ルールキー校を卒業後、メルカリに入社。Identity Platform チームにて、セキュリティとバックエンド構築に関連する業務に従事し、メルペイの新機能やメルコインのリリースに関わるプロジェクトを牽引。現在は、CrossBorder株式会社のシニアソフトウェアエンジニアとして、国内初のインテントセールスを世界中に広めるため、新機能開発に尽力。


ーーAt the beginning, could you please give us a quick introduction for yourself?

My name is Utkarsh, and I come from India.I joined Sales Marker last year in May, and I've been working on the back end and some infrastructure and currently in the process of building our back end.
(私の名前はUtkarshです。私はインド出身です。Sales Markerには去年の5月に入社し、バックエンドおよびインフラ部門で働いています。現在はバックエンドプロセスの構築に携わっています。)

Before joining Sales Marker, I was working for mercari for four and a half years in authentication authorization domains as back ending engineer.
(Sales Markerに入社する前は、メルカリで4年半、認証・認可領域のバックエンドエンジニアとして働いていました。)

My hobby is snowboarding. Yes, I just came from Hokkaido.

ーーI believe that mercari is also one of the greatest technology companies in Japan. So, you have a great result there, could you please tell me more about why you choose to join us?

When I joined mercari, I was pretty surprised that my work place could be this nice, and I had a really great time in mercari. And also all the engineers were really good and I got to learn a lot of things.

But, by the end, like last year, it had grown very big and I was also looking for more challenges. I wanted to work in a smaller team where we can go from zero to one hundred.

That's why I was not reaCheng out from myself but I was keeping an eye on all the new startups. If there is something interesting somebody is working on I was interested to join.

And then, I came across Sales Marker had a pretty solid business, and I was really surprised by the amount of things that just the founders have learned. So, I was very impressed at that time, and that's why I decided to join so much.
(そして、Sales Markerがかなり強固なビジネスを展開していることを知り、創業者たちが積み重ねてきたことの多さに本当に驚きました。とても感激し、最終的にはそれが入社の決め手となりました。)

ーーI think that you're the first senior engineer to join us, and before you joined, we only had one junior and two seniors, and we, just founders. So, at that time, did you feel any risk?

I think, normally, people will feel a risk when joining a startup, but in my case, I could see that the current engineers learn so many things quickly, they are somewhat a little…So, It is also a learning experience, because in a big company, things move a little bit slower and engineers need to do a lot of planning.

But I wanted to move fast and grow fast in my career, so, that's why I was like “Yeah, this is the place for me”.


ーーAnd also from the culture part, I believe that mercari is also one of the companies in Japan that have a really good engineering culture. Compared with your previous experience, do you think anything is special in our company or anything good or anything so we need to improve?

I think when I joined at that time, we were a very small company. So, my mindset was “Yeah, we'll be building the culture together”.
(私が入社した当時、Sales Markerはとても小さな会社でした。ですから私は、「そうだ、一緒に文化を築いていこう」と考えたんです。)

And, so I think that part is going pretty well because if I have certain suggestions most of the suggestions are coming from my past experience and it is very easy to inculcate them in our organization.

For example, in July, we had the issue where in the typical company the salaries are paid after a month. And I discussed that “Oh, it should be paid in the same month” and we just raised that concern like they changed the salary payment date, which was pretty good.I think it is the one result we got.

And I understand that as a startup if we are paying the payslip paychecks in advance, this is like losing one month of runway, so it is a critical decision, but we were able to take it with so much confidence within a week that shows that are business and the finances and everything is very strong.

ーーDid you feel any gap between before and after you join us?

Probably the Gap is in the growth. It was faster than I expected.

 I thought after I joined within 2 months, I felt that we would need a lot more engineers and we needed to build a lot of things.The current product is good, but we are trying to expand into different domains and so that will require a bigger engineering team and bigger engineering team means we'll need to manage different technology and the backend.

And, overall engineers, on our side, of the product will become complicated, so this is the part that I was not thinking about a lot in the beginning, because I was thinking we'll be like five or six engineers for next one year.

Five or six engineers are easy to manage, which are very tightly and they can communicate more easily.But, if there are 30 engineers, it is something that is tightly coupled and  this is something that just showed up suddenly.So, I felt “Oh!”.

 We had 30 engineers and we needed to manage the product.That is a totally different thing than managing a product with four or five Engineers.

ーーSo, I believe that when you joined you were purely a backend engineer and gradually you became the lead engineer.And now you are more like a playing manager.So, you lead the product and the back end itself, and meantime, you start managing people.During this one year, which part do you think is the most challenging for you?

I would say managing people is a little bit challenging, because in my past experience, I have managed projects and assigned tasks to one person and got those done.

But here, I am working on managing several projects and dealing with several backend engineers and also onboarding new engineers.So, sometimes the context is very wide and it is hard, you know.

It is very easy to miss certain things, so I'm trying to learn to avoid that and not miss something.Especially for example, when in the morning we are discussing something, we are supposed to discuss everything, but if something gets off my mind at that time, then after the meeting I feel like “Oh!”.

So, now that are back in team is expanding I need to manage people so far I was just managing the project or in my past experience in mercari I managed products and organize them between some members, but I didn't need to like necessarily care about what they want to do or what is their skill.

Here, I need to go through their wishes also, so this is something new and make sure that the team is doing well and they are excited and to work on the product.So, ensuring that is something new for me, and I'm trying to learn it.


ーーDo you have anything you want to achieve, maybe in two or three years?

A product width. I want to make Sales Marker not just in Japan, I want to expand it around the world.
(販路を広げることです。日本だけでなく、世界中にSales Markerを広げたいと思います。)

So, that is something could be really interesting and it will involve challenges on another level like having customers only in Japan is something, but when we are having customers around the world, our team is going to expand even more.

So, managing that many people and along with the code base because all the time, I'm thinking “OK, we can develop a lot of things”, but it is going to become very complicated if we have a lot of features, because we tend to have very complex logic.

So, this is all kind of like an art that how to organize this painting of backend that it is understandable for everyone and everyone is able to work through it.

ーーDo you have anything you want to talk to our potential candidates about?

For new joiners, I feel everyone when they are joining a new company and especially a company which is growing very fast, you are looking for a lot of challenges, so from my experience, I feel we have a lot of  levels of challenges you can go for.

So, I’m always trying to challenge myself to the limit. From that perspective, you will get plenty of challenges if you join the company.

At the same time, since the product is growing very fast, we are hiring members from different cultures. Recently, we have been interviewing candidates from Europe, from the US like America, and from India, China.It's all over the world.

So, you will have a very multicultural environment here, and yes, we want to create the best sales tech company in the world.So, please join us and help us with it.


