【グローバルメンバー】Googleからスタートアップ企業へ入社。Sales Markerを創り上げた、最初のエンジニア!
こんにちは!Sales Marker採用広報です。
株式会社Sales Markerでは、国籍を問わず多くのエンジニアが開発に携わっています。エンジニアチームの公用語は英語。グローバルな環境でコミュニケーションを交わしながら、日々新たなミッションに取り組んでいます。
今回ご紹介するのは、Google Japanから転職されたGuさん。現在はエンジニアマネージャーとしてチームを率いています。前職との違いや今後の目標について、英語でインタビューしました。
Gu Pan /リードエンジニア エンジニアマネージャー
Google JapanにてGoogle Mapsを手がけるエンジニアとして活躍。Sales Markerの目指す世界観やプロダクトの可能性に惹かれて2023年6月にSales Marker入社。現在はマネージャーとしてプロダクト開発を担当している。
Google Mapsの担当からSales Makerのエンジニアへ
ーーFirst of all, Gu san, Could you please do a quick self introduction?(Guさん、簡単に自己紹介をお願いします。)
My name is Gu Pan and I joined Sales Marker last year in June. I am working as an engineering manager in an application team.
(私はGu Panです。昨年6月にSales Markerに入社しました。アプリケーションチームのエンジニアリングマネージャーとして働いています。)
Currently we are working on a very new product which is called Sales Marker Pipeline, and with this product, we change Sales Marker’s daily work a lot. So, we are currently working on application departments for it.
(現在は、Sales Marker Pipelineと呼ばれる全く新しい製品に取り組んでいます。この製品で、Sales Markerの通常業務は大きく変わります。そのためのアプリケーションチームで開発に取り組んでいます。)
ーーCould you please also tell me about before you enter Sales Marker, what your job was and what your mission was at that time?
(Sales Marker入社前の職業や、当時のミッションについても教えていただけますか。)
OK, before I joined Sales Marker, I worked at Google Japan as an engineer and at that moment I mainly contributed to the Google Maps project. My mission at that moment was to make more users start contributing to Google Maps.
(はい。Sales Marker入社前は、Google Japanのエンジニアとして働いていました。当時はGoogle Mapsプロジェクトを主に担当していました。私のミッションは、より多くのユーザーにGoogle Mapsを届けることでした。)
ーーI believe that Google is one of the dreams of every engineer to join. So, could you tell me about why you choose to leave Google and join us?
(Googleで働くことは、全エンジニアにとっての夢だと思います。なぜGoogleを退職し、Sales Markerに入社されたのでしょうか。)
Before I joined Sales Marker, we actually had a lot of time for conversation. And you introduced what is the project we’ll make here, and I also agreed with the idea. From this project, I had a lot of passion for it, so I also wanted to try and contribute to this project.
(Sales Marker入社前には、たくさん対話をしましたね。取締役CTOのChenさんからこれから手がけようとしているプロジェクトについて紹介があり、興味を惹かれました。プロジェクトに対する情熱を感じ、私も一緒に挑戦して貢献したいと思ったのです。)
Also, about company culture, I also agree that Sales Marker is a very young company and people here are nice.We are very easy to change and challenge, and a lot of things combined together made me want to join Sales Marker.
(また企業文化に関しては、Sales Markerは大変若い会社で、素晴らしい社員が働いていると思います。変化や挑戦も容易にできると感じましたし、その他にも様々なことが重なって、Sales Markerに入社したいと思いました。)
ーーLet’s get back to your current project. You said that you are working on the Sales Marker Pipeline. So, what is the target and what is your mission on this project?
(現在のプロジェクトの話に戻りましょう。Sales Marker Pipelineに取り組んでいるとお聞きしました。このプロジェクトのターゲットおよびあなたのミッションは何ですか。)
As an engineer manager at Sales Marker, my mission on this project is to lead the application team to complete these development work with the project.
(Sales Markerのエンジニアマネージャーとしての私のミッションは、アプリケーションチームを率いて開発を完了させることです。)
And also talk with product managers and designers to make the products sellable to our customers, making more value on the project.
ーー Did you find any difficulties or anything very challengeable?
Yes. At the startup, there were a lot of processes that may not be good at some big technical companies.
So, working in this kind of environment is really challenging, but actually here I just talked with this thing with our team which is very young and easy to make a lot of changes.
So, even if there are some bad processes, we can easily change it and improve it, and here now, I think we have already made a lot of positive changes. And yes, even though there are some difficulties, I think we can resolve them one by one.
ーーAlright, so in the beginning, I believe when you draw up we don't have any rules. Only two engineers and you're the first one actually, right?
So, from that time, we built a lot for team building and the engineer culture and the process. We built the project, so we changed a lot and a lot of different companies and different cultures came to bring us a positive impact to our team.
ーーSo, after you joined Sales Marker, did you feel any gap between before and after you joined us?
(Sales Markerへの入社前後で、何かギャップを感じたことはありましたか。)
Okay, actually the culture between Sales Marker and Google is very similar. So, we also respect every engineer's growth and all the work life balances. So, I didn't feel any culture gap between before and after I joined Sales Marker.
(そうですね。実際のところ、Sales MarkerとGoogleの企業文化はよく似ているんです。2社ともエンジニアの成長や、ワークライフバランスを重視しています。そのため、Sales Markerへの入社前後でギャップを感じたことはありませんでした。)
The only difference may be just based on the infrastructure because we are a small company.Our infrastructure is not complete.
(ただ、Sales Markerは組織規模が小さいので、社内インフラに関しての違いはあるかもしれません。インフラは完璧ではありませんからね。)
Maybe it cannot be compared with Google, but they also make me feel I have more chances to contribute to building better infrastructure from the initial Point. Yes, so it's such a bad point but it's also a challenge.
ーーWhat do you think is the next challenge for us?
The first is about the team. Currently, there are just more teams, but we also found that we need more engineers to join the team and we can make more outcomes.
So, the first challenge I want to talk about is that I want to hire more good engineers to join our company. And also about myself at working as an engineering manager.
I work as a manager, so I just lead more teams now and with the team goals, I think my personal challenge is how to lead a huge team in the long term future. So yes, this is also a very big topic for my good career path.
ーーWe are hiring more engineers. Do you have anything you want to talk about with the potential candidate?
For engineers who are interested in our previous talk, feel free to chat with me and we can introduce more about our company to you.
And in Sales Marker we can provide a better chance for everyone's growth. We also take care of and respect our engineers and the company also provides a lot of the benefits to your daily life.
(Sales Markerは、皆さんのために、より良い成長の機会を提供してくれます。私たち先輩社員もエンジニアを十分にケアし、敬意を持って対応します。皆さんの生活にも多くのメリットがあると思います。)